Two women cheer on a mountain summit


Trekking in Nepal

Two friends explore unknown parts of the Himalayas

Trekking: an adventure off the beaten track

Trekking tours are one of the last big adventures of modern society. When off the tourists’ beaten tracks, you can discover places and get to know people that not many others ever see.
This kind of trip usually takes several weeks, leading the traveller through gorges, across craggy rocks, scree slopes, meadows, forests, streams and small lakes. Trekkers rarely have the luxury of a cosy bed or a comfortable armchair. They wear and carry everything they need for their tours.
The weather is merely a footnote for hard-core trekking fans. After all, it’s only the right equipment that will guarantee the long, tough paths lead to the destination in the end.

Redefine Your Ceiling

Off the beaten path – those are the routes trekkers Hailey Van Dyk and Hilary Matheson are looking for. That’s why the two Canadian friends, extreme runners and adventure fans keep being drawn to remote areas and untouched places.

"The idea of travelling off the beaten path excites us so much. In essence, it is what we are always trying to do; Go to places that are untouched, and appreciate the history and energy of areas that haven’t yet been overrun by visitors."

(Blog "Redefine Your Ceiling")

The search for the new and unknown brought Hailey and Hilary to Nepal in October and November 2018. There, they toured through the highest mountains on earth, the Himalayas. To tackle this enormous challenge, they had some backup: they were joined by Hailey’s partner and three men from Nepal who are all experienced climbers and outdoor experts.

Giant mountains and an old kingdom

The destinations of the trip that would take several weeks were the Annapurna Circuit, a popular trekking route all around the Annapurna mountain range at over 8,000 metres, and the remote Mustang region, the plateau to the north at heights from a “mere” 2,500 to 4,600 metres.
The former independent Mustang Kingdom has only recently been made accessible to tourists and is protected by the state, which is why the original nature and culture have been maintained so well. You will find many miles of high valleys, rough, rocky ground, landscapes of barren rocks that are unexpectedly interrupted by green high plains, colourful monasteries and palaces as well as small settlements where locals hold intimate Tibetan ceremonies – and all this majestically framed by the giant mountains of the Annapurna range.
Hailey was deeply impressed by this natural and pristine beauty:

"Have you ever been somewhere that has completely blown your mind... to the point where no words can be said to describe the beauty that you are seeing?! That was the Upper Mustang region for me... at times I would look around me in sheer disbelief of what I was saying. As someone who loves to write, I am always trying to describe my surroundings... it some places just don’t need words, instead just standing there marvelling will suffice!"

Sunrise at 5,000 meters 

Carrying 18 kg of luggage, the Canadians covered almost 300 km and several thousand meters of cumulative elevation gain. In order to make the most of the Mustang region’s beauty, they really pushed themselves, even breaking daily habits, as Hilary reports:

"Well, a month spent living in the mountains has officially made a morning person out of me. Especially when those mountains are in remote corners of the Himalayas, and you are days away from wifi and civilization, staring at the sun as it rises over the Tibetan plains."

Hailey’s and Hilary’s Himalaya trekking tour: enthusiasm, steely resolve and the perfect equipment

No question – whoever takes on a trip of several weeks through completely remote regions at up to 5,500 meters needs to be able to rely on their equipment. Bauerfeind Sports is proud to have accompanied these two fascinating women as a title sponsor through the Himalayas.

Compression helps - in the hospital and on the high mountains

A nurse by profession, Hailey knew the effects of compression garments from her daily medical work and was familiar with the positive outcome on patients with vein problems. As an ultra runner and during her tour through the highest mountains on earth, she was able to discover the impressive effects for herself as a top athlete.
Hailey particularly loves the Sports Compression Sleeves Lower Leg because they give her the option to wear her own socks in addition to compression garments, she can regenerate barefoot after hard work and, last but not least, because of the seven stylish colors which allow her to add some colour to her running gear. Because „nothing is cooler than bright coloured, knee-high socks”.

Nothing works without the knee: Hailey feels well protected with Bauerfeind

The sports supports by Bauerfeind Sports have particular significance for Hailey. After straining the medial collateral ligament (MCL) in her knee in 2017, she initially wore Bauerfeind’s GenuTrain in the weeks of rehabilitation and later the Outdoor Knee Support to give her knee additional stability on her runs and trails. She did the same in Nepal:

"When we booked our trip to Nepal, I had it in the back of my mind that I might run into some issues with my old knee injury, as I would be walking the farthest I ever had before... with the added stress of carrying at least 35lbs on my back. I also anticipated that there would be unstable terrain which could tax my knee. I made sure that in my backpack, one of my essential pieces of gear was my Sports knee brace, and I was so glad I had it with me!"

(Blog "Redefine Your Ceiling")

Step Into Adventure

Hailey and Hilary will continue to rely on Bauerfeind Sports products for future trips across unknown mountains, gorges, valleys, forests, meadows and glades. Add to this their huge passion for trail running, trekking and breathtaking outdoor experiences like in Nepal. Hailey summarizes this particular fascination in her blog:

"Looking back at my journey as a trail runner, it has completely changed and shaped the path of my life. It has made me incredibly happy but has also provided a deep sense of satisfaction as I have worked hard to achieve the goals I have set out for myself."

Be just as well equipped on your trekking tour as Hailey and Hilary - with our products: